Pokémon GO Game for Android and iPhone to be Launched in 2016

The official English page of Pokémon has released a YouTube video about their upcoming game for Android and iPhone/iPad device. Watch it below:

With the innovative improvements of smartphones in the past several years, I feel Nintendo's portable gaming devices are a little left behind with innovation. I have Nintendo 3DS XL myself and the only game I play with it is Pokemon Black/White/X/Y/Omega Ruby. Well, the gameplay inherits the traditional gameplay of the past Pokemon Yellow to Advance. The significant improvement is its 3D-fied environment and Internet connectivity to play with other players around the world.

Also, I have a mid-end Android device and an iPad with mid-to-high performance games installed. You know why I'm saying this? If you compare the gaming experience with Android, iPad and Nintendo's 3DS, clearly, you will know which device clearly stands out in regards to gameplay.

The Pokémon Company, Nintendo Co. Ltd. and Niantic, Inc. did a very great move with this game to be released next year; especially for Nintendo who just recently entered the smartphone game market (see Pokémon Shuffle game for Android).

Pokémon GO will be a top download for sure when released in Android and iPhone/iPad.

