Spotlight: Some Art/Designer Toys You Can Buy at ToyCon Evolution (ToyCon Philippines 2024)

toycon philippines 2024 toycon evolution

Disclaimer: this is NOT a sponsored post. We're just sharing in the name of love for toys.

Before anything else, check the ticket information and visitor's guidelines below from ToyCon's Official Facebook page:

Here are some of the toys you can buy at ToyCon 2024, just scroll below.

Kensuke Creations

6" KIXXOID MAMBA by ClaeLabs

Chkdsk x Blacklist International x Devil Toys

Blank Black Reaver


Daruma Red and Daruma Durian by Hootatoe ฮูกตาโต👀

The Optimistic Blue Wooden Dragon Resin Urban Art by JEAA

Jollibee TEQ62

The toys we featured here are not the only toys you can see and buy at ToyCon 2024. There are actually a lot more. Plus, you can get some awesome deals from local toy merchants participating in this exciting event.

Thank you and enjoy the event tomorrow! 🙇

revoltech mirko action figure
